Healthy Tips

7 Tips to Keep Your Pet Safe This Summer

Woman playing with dog outside

With the hot summer days upon us, it is important to consider your pet’s safety. Follow these tips from Fetch to ensure your furry loved one has a happy - and healthy - summer vacation.

  • Plan your pet travel: If you don’t want to leave your pet at home, plan ahead – locking them in a hot car is not safe, even on a shady day.
  • Check if it’s too hot to trot: Pavement, asphalt and sand bake in the hot sun. To see if a surface is paw-friendly, simply place your hand on the surface for 10 seconds. If the pavement is too hot for you, it’s likely too hot for your pet.
  • Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate: Bring a water dish wherever you play and be sure to monitor for signs of overheating. Ice cubes make a refreshing treat, too!
  • Monitor swim time: Chlorine from the pool can cause eye and skin irritation, while salt water can quickly dehydrate your pup. Swallowing large quantities of water may lead to dry drowning.
  • Practice preventative grooming measures: Be diligent with medication. Topical treatments can thwart fleas, ticks, mosquitoes and lice. Routine grooming will not only prevent these pesky critters from making your pet’s fur their new home, but will remove excess hair, keeping your best friend cooler.
  • Don’t share dinner: While you may think your cookout’s leftover bones make a nice treat – think again. Not only are they choking hazards, but if swallowed, they can damage your pet’s intestinal tract. Picnic droppings can also be dangerous depending on the food. Always err on the side of caution. If it’s not within your pet’s normal diet, it might not be safe.
  • Visit the vet: If you suspect something is wrong, get your pet checked. It’s always better to be safe than sorry – especially if you have pet insurance to pick up part of the bill.

We Recommend

While you’re enjoying the summer days with your furry best friend, remember to monitor their health! Don’t forget to check out Blue365’s exclusive deals on pet insurance.

This content is not intended to substitute for informed medical advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or condition. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, altering your sleep habits, taking supplements, or starting a new fitness routine.


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